A quick pit stop in Budapest …

And also a change of crew.

Sadly I have to say farewell – and thanks – to my two trusted travel companions, Lauren and Jodie, as we part company in Budapest.

As they fly back to the UK to return to work, I am picking up a rental car for the next stage of the trip. A 1,500 mile drive through 7 countries in 9 days. The petrol-heads amongst you will have noticed that I finally selected a Ford Focus as the most suitable vehicle for this heavy and arduous itinerary – edging out the Porsche, Lamborghini and Range Rover based on overall value for money rather than kerb appeal and 0-60 acceleration.

For the road trip I am pleased to report that I am joined by my new co-pilot and navigator, Nadia.

We had a full working lunch so that departing team could pass on tips for the next part of the journey.

6 thoughts on “A quick pit stop in Budapest …

  1. Enjoying your blog. Have fun on the next leg. Despite the Article 50 Notice having been served, there remains insufficient information about
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